Internet Service Providers: the Need of the Hour

It so happens that there is a particular time of the day when almost everyone is turned on to the internet, either to do academic research, watch movies, stream football, or watch the world news, among other reasons. A majority of the people are online during peak hours which happens to be between 7 and 11pm. During this peak time, most of the users are prone to slow internet speeds while downloading or browsing. The congestion that internet users experience is synonymous to the rush hour that is experienced by the road users where demand outweighs supply. This is called the internet rush hour. Even in this rush hour there are companies that have tailored internet services so as to cater to their clients who rely heavily on internet to work or run their daily errands. The need for internet services in the United States has grown tremendously in the recent past and this is mostly credited to the innovation of smartphones and tablets. Internet speed has also grown immensely due to unending innovation as well as untapped technology resources. The invention of fiber optic cable could be the cure to slow internet connections across the globe.

Towards the end of year 2016, the company announced plans to compete with Google Fiber so as to offer the best services to its clients. Almost every customer of the company was to receive a boost in internet speed to a maximum of 2GBs.

In addition to providing fast internet service to 37 states, the company is known to provide internet service to clients who are far from their main offices. Century Link is said to offering internet bundles which are connected to Verizon Wireless.


This is known to be the largest company that provides internet to people’s homes in the United States. Moreover, it is the second best provider of pay television after it acquired DirecTV and AT&T. Comcast works in over 40 states and is well known by residential and commercial users. This would make the company have superbly fast internet over rivals Google.

Century Link

In order to beat the boredom that comes with internet rush hours, century link is committed to providing the best services ever to its clients. It is ranked as the third best company that provides speedy internet to individuals, businesses, and governmental offices and institutions.

Moreover, it makes use of the fiber optics which further makes it a better choice.
In order to access the internet at your hour of need, make sure that you make use of reliable internet service providers so as to avoid disappointments.